8:00 - 9:00

Mon - Fri

+91 73030 63502

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Astrologer Kusum Dogra’s

Journey of Awakening

“Miracles are destined to happen in the lives of the people who believe in the magic of destiny.”

Born into a family that was known to have some of the most blessed and spiritual personalities, Kusum Dogra lead a very simple and normal life, without realisingabout the miraculous dawn of revelation that was awaiting her. Initially, Kusum didn’t have any clue about the gift she possessed, which brought a revolution to her life and to the ones associated with her. After exploring the elements of spirituality, she found the sole purpose of her existence that has touched and transformed the lives of many.

Being an Energy Healer, Astrologer, Crystal Therapist and Switchword Expert, Kusum Dogra decided to dedicate her life in making every possible effort to bringa generous dose of positivity and prosperity all around her. The quest for knowledge and truth, along with her eagerness to learn pushed her to study Astrology, Numbers and Vastu. This led to a whole new world opening up to her, which changed her perspective about everything, such as the purpose of life, effects of positivity, delays, growth, birth, death, etc.She rediscovered the meanings of different aspects of life in a way that made complete sense and was indeed a never-before-experience for her. With a firm belief in miracles, Kusum believes in working towards finding and experiencing thedivine energies that make miracles happen. She has a keen interest in exploring the effects of the movement of planets on a person’s past, present and future. With the subtle amalgamation of her rich knowledge and spirituality, she offers life-altering remedies and solutions to her clients all over the world and would like to continue doing so,throughout her life!

Eager to seek expert guidance? Book a consultation now!

If you wish to book an appointment with me, then kindly give a call between 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM

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